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Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Instructional Strategies

Content Area: Math

Instructional Strategies:
1. Hands on Activities
2. Use of Manipulative
3. Active Participation such as white boards, thumbs up thumbs down, partner sharing...

Saturday, July 2, 2011

Metra Train Brake Problem...I think I am glad we are not moving: Social Situation

As I was coming home from class on Thursday afternoon I routinely got on the train to Elburn. Normally taking two hours to get home, being delayed an additional hour due to brake problems gave me plenty of opportunity to make observations for my social situation assignment.  What do people do when their normal routine is altered? 

My observations started at the beginning of the train ride not knowing the train would be delayed.  This afternoon I decided not to sit on the 'quiet train' for I had to make a personal phone call and wanted the option to talk.  I am sitting on the top of the train car at the very back seat, looking out to the rest of the train.  Next to me is the typical business man coming home from work, wearing a suit and tie continuing to work on his laptop. He doesn't make eye contact with anyone and continues to be consumed with work.  There is a twenty-something girl sitting across from me.  She has her head phones in and plays with her iPhone continuously, I wonder what game she is playing.  There is a couple kitty-corner to my position they have just cracked open a bud light for the guy and a summer shandy beer for the girl.  They seem to be enjoying life, talk openly to each other.  The girl is reading a magazine and discusses every article with what I assume to be her boyfriend. Down below me I can hear one man talking on his cell phone and also a woman making plans for the evening to come,"dinner, then drinks?" she says.  Everyone keeping to themselves.

We come to the Berkley stop, the conductor comes on the speaker and announces, "due to break problems we will be staying put until the maintenance train can clear us for departure."  Interesting, the train car full of people instantly gives an audible sigh.  Most make instant phone calls to let loved ones know of altered plans and news that they will be arriving a little later than planned.  Everyone looks up and for the first time people start to interact with one another.  Asking questions, about how long this will take. Making comments about how glad we are to not be moving if we are having break problems.  After about 10 minutes the conductor comes back on and says "we are going to attempt to make it to the next stop where they will do a further investigation of the breaks."  Everyone is a little bit nervous.  "Attempt"  well that doesn't sound very good, one man sharply states. 

When arriving at the next stop some people get off and make note that even though this isn't the stop they are supposed to be getting off at, they aren't taking any chances.  I now move from my seat to get a little fresh air, knowing that this is going to take awhile and to change the scenery of this observation.  The conductor opens the doors about twenty people get off to smoke, some step off to get fresh air, one guy calls a friend to deliver a case of beer to the train.  Everyone starts in conversation first talking about the common problem of the train being delayed.  One guy goes into a story about how during the snow storm last year he was stuck on a train for 4 hours.  After a few stories are shared people start asking names, where they are going and where they are coming from.  Tony a 17 year old is coming from his mom's going to his dad's.  I get in the conversation of his story and learn that he is going into the Marine's next year.  This opens up the conversation further and it seems everyone around me has a story about the military, gives out their advice, or congratulate him on such a brave decision.  Another 'dad-like' figure is also going to Elburn.  Once finding out I am also from Elburn we have an instant bond and I am offered a beer from his cooler.  Accepting, I am instantly found to be 'fun'.  This encourages another story of everyone's beer stories.  Some of the guys admit coming from a bar, some girls speak of plans for the evening ahead, some distance them self from the drinking crowd.  After about an hour of small talk and getting to know the people around me the conductor comes on and says we are clear to move.  Everyone cheers!  The smokers come back on the train, and we begin to move.  There is a community built within our train car. No one leaves the vicinity of the stairs and continue on their conversation a little more excited for the common goal we all have:  to get home.  Some are patient, some are annoyed, some are upset and some simply make the most of it by handing out beer and making small talk. 

'Lean on Me' Teacher Moment for Price's Class

The environment of this movie 'Lean on Me' is one of a failing high school where everyone has lost faith in the school, the teachers, and the students. A new principal comes into the school and makes a lot of changes. First seen as harsh but quickly realized that he only wants the best for students that have once been seen to fail.

The students have changed their opinion of school and now do not want to be seen as inferior, worthless students/citizens. They have found someone to believe in them, hold them to higher standards and expect a better future from them. The students now believe in achieving because they have been shown the way.

The curriculum was once failing. The school could not pass the basic skill tests and the teachers had given up on the curriculum. The day of the video you can feel the hope of the school. They changed the curriculum to make learning fun. The teachers worked incredibly hard to encourage the students to learn. This is a great movie and puts the term 'turn around school' into perspective.

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