Slide Rocket

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

UBD Stage One

1 comment:

  1. Hi Megan,

    Love the lesson, multiplication as repeated addition is so wonderful!

    Praise: Using m&m's as counters for this multiplication activity is great. The students would love to use, and eventually eat the m&m's (although I have always been a little grossed out to see kids eating candy thats been all over their desks, maybe they could use a paper towel.)

    Question: What methods for multiplication have the students already been taught? Is this early in the multiplication unit or do they have experience with other methods, for examples the 'carry over' algorithm, or the multiplication chart?

    Polish: What will the teacher do for students that do not have the prior knowledge or experience with multiplication? It seems that your 'essential questions' go more towards the 'enduring understanding' side, they both seem more overarching for the whole unit... Maybe some essential questions would be: how do we arrange the m&m's to show us multiplication? Why is this addition the same as multiplication?
