Slide Rocket

Saturday, June 18, 2011

What is my educational philosophy?

Teaching is beyond mechanical motions, it is a belief. A belief in students being successful. A belief that all students can learn to their highest potential. To have children be successful they need to be given the tools and resources to achieve success. As a teacher you are that resource. You are the one to train, model and give all that the students need to become the best student, human being and citizen to the community. Teachers model the professional persona to enhance the very community beyond the classroom walls. Teachers are role models of how to act, how to communicate, how to show respect, how to learn, how to teach. Students learn best in an environment where they can trust. Where they can feel confident to learn and create. When there is a sense of acceptance students will take risks and deepen their learning.  The teacher needs to create a community where students are challenged to not only take these risks but are encouraged to.

The role of a teacher in a classroom environment is the role model, coach and cheerleader.  I strongly believe that the teacher needs to set-up the environment so the students are at the center.  The heart of the classroom.  The driving force to continue to grow as an educator and to become our very best.  Students learn best when they want to achieve, when they feel secure, confident, comfortable to take risks to enhance their learning.

My goals for students is to create a passion for learning.  To see the importance of learning, to see their future through learning.  Along with building their academic future I want the students to see how far respect and being an overall good person will get you. 

Teachers need to able to listen, care about students, be respectful, a team player, empathetic, non-judgmental, hard working, and most importantly, dedicated.  Dedicated to always bettering themselves and the student's life around them.

Absolutely, ALL students can learn.  It is our job as teachers to create an understanding of each child's needs to give them the tools to be successful.  This goes along with giving the students the proper tools and training to allow them to achieve at their highest potential.  We owe it to the students to live by the expectations that we place on the students and always need to continue to grow and learn.

I became a teacher because since I can remember I was teaching all the neighborhood kids the basic fundamentals of schooling.  I have a natural passion for this career and I especially believe that under- privileged kids should have the right to a teacher that believes in creating successful students.  All students can succeed and I feel privileged to receive the opportunity to show, teach, create life long learners to the students of Chicago neighborhoods.

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